Friday, January 02, 2009
No... it wasn't my car that leaked there.
On the other blog, in one of the posts, I mentioned that my sweet car had been crashed into. It is being fixed at this time. I was able to get a rental. It was a 2009, and had all sorts of features.
After riding around in the rental, I decided it was too big, and I was getting tired of worrying about someone scratching up the paint, while the car was in my care. I couldn't take large items because I worried about scratching or scuffing the interior. Oh, yeah. The insurance said they wouldn't pay the daily fee, after Wednesday. However, I would only have to pay the price the insurance pays. They get a pretty decent discount!
I decided I would prefer to get that second car I had been searching the Internet (the past five or six months) for. I had a specific model of car in mind, specific color, too. I located two that were about 200 miles away. One was already sold, the other was in another state. After I saw the gas consumption vs mileage of a newer car, same type, I decided I didn't need that particular model, afterall.
I decided to look for something, locally. On the other blog, I mentioned in one of the comment posts that I bought a car. It's pretty aged, but I feel I bought it at a decent price. I'll probably end up putting the purchase price, or a bit more, into it, fixing the wear and tear, such as shocks, and other possible defects. Anyway, where I live, our vehicles are not allowed to have any leakage. Oil and transmission problems need to be fixed immediately, or the owner of the car will have to pay to get the pavement fixed.
My car sat in one spot, all day long. I took pictures of the car because...well, I like to take pictures of my cars.
After my car sat all day, I jumped into it and drove to work at the parttime job. I came home and found this spot!!!! The spot is not exactly in front of my home, but it is close enough to be where I sometimes part.
I thought about touching the spot to see if it was oil. I decided not to. What if it was dog pee? As soon as I was inside, I took out my camera to verify my feeling that my car had not been sitting in that area. Truly, it had not. I'm now thinking someone walked their dog and some leakage occurred.
I decided I would prefer to get that second car I had been searching the Internet (the past five or six months) for. I had a specific model of car in mind, specific color, too. I located two that were about 200 miles away. One was already sold, the other was in another state. After I saw the gas consumption vs mileage of a newer car, same type, I decided I didn't need that particular model, afterall.
I decided to look for something, locally. On the other blog, I mentioned in one of the comment posts that I bought a car. It's pretty aged, but I feel I bought it at a decent price. I'll probably end up putting the purchase price, or a bit more, into it, fixing the wear and tear, such as shocks, and other possible defects. Anyway, where I live, our vehicles are not allowed to have any leakage. Oil and transmission problems need to be fixed immediately, or the owner of the car will have to pay to get the pavement fixed.
After my car sat all day, I jumped into it and drove to work at the parttime job. I came home and found this spot!!!! The spot is not exactly in front of my home, but it is close enough to be where I sometimes part.