Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Saddie had been sounding rather rough for the last week or so. He was coughing as though his lungs were congested. I took him to the vet last night and the vet found he had a temperature and his lungs sounded full. He gave him a shot and handed me a 10 day supply of pills to start this morning.
Around 4:00am, Saddie started crying. I got up and tried to help him, but there really isn't anything you can do except get the cat to the vet. He got up and walked around a little bit, but he was having a hard time breathing and I could hear his lungs were full. I called the boss and left a message that I would be in late. I then went back to sleep for an hour. I got up and Saddie moved around a bit. He started seizing and there was nothing I could do. He seized one last time and his body was still except for a few twitches. He was even thoughtful in dying. I had a little less than 30 minutes in which to get ready for work and catch the car pool. I'm going to miss that wonderful cat. He was less than three years old. I thought for sure I'd have him another 10 years.

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