I've been told that the reason the trap is loose is because it snaps too hard. Apparently, it snapped a pencil in two.

Thinking of paths, I am reminded that we never know where life will take us. Luckily for me, I know where this particular path ends - at the parking lot and my car:) It's nice to have answers.

I was told that the painting was "supposed" to be an arrow.

I took the picture, then turned to my friend and handed him the camera. I stood in back of the words and told him to take my picture. He tried to snap the photo, but the stupid camera said, "change batteries," and refused to take any more pictures. So, I had to post the word without the subject.

The water was perfect. As I put the kayak into the water, I slipped on the slippery dock and ended up getting wet, before getting in the kayak. Once I got to the end of the lake, I started floating. I pulled my carry bag up from the floar of the kayak, and it was sopping wet. Luckily, I had the camera and phone in ziplock freezer bags.

If you click this photo to make it larger, you should see some fisherpeople on the side of the lake. From time to time, there were voices from conversations. There were some birds, butterflies, and dragonflies, flitting around. A lone goose was standing on the farthest bank. I tried to get a good picture, but after several, I realize now, I shouldn't have tried to maxzoom. The photos turned out grainy and not bright and clear.

When I saw this cartoon, it struck my funny bone. Good one!