Eat your way to a better sex life.The title hit my funny bone. I've been eating my way, but all I've done is gain pounds!
but I've come to expect that. I think it's the camera:)

A picture of one of bloggers on this blog. Shadow self-portrait.

The cannas bloomed all summer long. I don't recall seeing these butterflies during the summer, but this past weekend, there were quite a few, flying around, landing on the cannas, and drinking. I took many pictures, but most were of the butterflies, sitting on the flowers, wings closed.

Do you see the kayaker? When I took the picture, I told myself I was going to do that, this weekend, since it was supposed to be pretty nice(weather-wise). I knew I needed to trim the bushes, so did - baked a turkey and a cake, took the trim to the mulch site, took a small walk, painted on a new picture, and various household chores. I stayed up pretty late on Friday night, going through a bunch of clothes, finding 3 boxes to take to Salvation Army, cooking chicken wings, cleaning the meat off the wings, and making egg noodles. Not enough sleep. So, my sister calls and asked me to come over, today, to ride horses and to help lug a deck to another area. I doubt I'll have the energy to take the kayak out, after all.