Sunday, September 13, 2009
From the other blog....
Continuation of Why do I hurt?...part 2
Millie is thankful she didn't get picked.
Sammie is glad she didn't get picked.
Prince VanDoe is admiring the sulkey. Maybe, when he gets a bit older, he will be able to pull it.
We talk about trailride mode, because Sis's horses love to run. When they go on trailrides, everybody else wants to slowly plod along. The horses don't mind walking, but they would like to have some quick activity, too...just to make the ride interesting!
A bit of rural landscape.
Oh, oh. Road closed... time to turn back.
We turned to go back. It's funny how fast the horses started to go, once they started back.
Here I am on Jeremiah.
The rest of the pictures will have to be posted later. Blogger isn't opening up the upload window, anymore. Perhaps, it's trying to tell me to get out and do something, today.
It turns out that it wasn't blogger causing the upload problem, it was a user error. The window was open, but I didn't realize it because other windows were open...
Hermie, after the ride.
Jeremiah, after the ride.
Oh, oh, looks like trouble. Hermie's yelling at Jeremiah for eating all the horse treats!
"No Ma! I didn't do it," screams Jeremiah.
Ooooh, that hurt. Hermie let Jeremiah have it!
Oh, no! What do we do? They're really pissed at each other!
Looks like they're each giving as good as they're getting!
Still. Won't someone DO something....
Hermie decides enough is enough. "Don't let it happen, again!" she orders.
Oh, look... Some guineas.
Wow! Lots of food for winter. I helped move 20-23 bales up in here. THAT'S why I hurt:) My muscles aren't used to hard work.
Aw, look. A toad.
The rest of the pictures will have to be posted later. Blogger isn't opening up the upload window, anymore. Perhaps, it's trying to tell me to get out and do something, today.
It turns out that it wasn't blogger causing the upload problem, it was a user error. The window was open, but I didn't realize it because other windows were open...
Labels: horses, sister's place